If you work in one of the above fields or similar, are not feeling yourself despite a good diet and lifestyle, and bloodwork is otherwise competent, then this product is worth trying. In each two capsules, they will contain:
- Chlorella 75mg – Chlorella acts as a chelating agent. It binds to heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, uranium, and lead. This process helps remove these toxic metals from our system by facilitating their elimination through urine.
- Cilantro (Coriandrum salivum) 75mg – A highly effective metal toxin binding agent and mobilizer, especially when used with chlorella.
- EDTA (calcium EDTA) 75mg – Once ingested, these chelators circulate through the blood, collecting heavy metals. The bound metals form a compound that is then filtered by the kidneys and excreted in urine.
- Garlic extract 1.5mg – Garlic plays a vital role in binding heavy metals through its active compounds like DADS and DTS, facilitating effective heavy metal detoxification.
- N-Aceytlcysteine 50mg – Human studies have also reported successful removal of mercury, lead, gold, and arsenic using NAC. Importantly, NAC does not significantly affect essential metals like iron, zinc, copper, calcium, or magnesium, making it safer than some other chelating agents.
- Taurine (mg) 500mg – Taurine acts as a chelating agent in this process. It helps trap heavy elements (such as mercury, lead, and cadmium) and guides them toward elimination pathways. It’s like putting these metals in a “cage” and then escorting them out of the system.
- Alpha Lipoic Acid 25mg – ALA acts as a chelating agent for metal ions. It can effectively bind to certain heavy metals, facilitating their removal from the body. Specifically, ALA can chelate metals such as copper, cadmium, mercury, and lead.
- Vitamin C 500mg – Studies suggest that vitamin C acts as an antioxidant during chelation process.
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