Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be defined as the inability to gain an erection. Stage 1 ED include soft or half erections or inability to sustain. If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, you are not alone. ED affects approximately 50% on men between the ages of 40-70 years old but affects almost every man at some point in our lives. Leaving ED untreated poses significant danger to a man’s self-confidence, self-image and feelings of self-worth. Although it is a medical condition, the vast majority of case are completely treatable and, in some cases, reversible. Whether it is due to low/imbalanced hormones, performance anxiety, diabetes, nerve damage, prostate issues, it doesn’t matter, we have something to every issue.

We make a promise to you as a patient that we will significantly improve your condition through rigorous duty of care and a personalised service, or your money back.

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Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) affects more men than any other sexual problem. It also makes up 65% of all sexual dysfunctions. PE can be defined as ejaculation taking place too early for the man’s liking or before the partner is able to satisfy themselves. Premature ejaculation is often associated with psychological reasons however can be due to hormonal imbalances such as low estrogen or serotonin production. We are able to help restore the quality of life for our patients and their partners regardless of the reason.

Call us today or submit an enquiry form for more information

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Low Testosterone

With testosterone therapy, one’s attitude improves, reinforcing self-esteem and self-confidence at work, as well as an increased energy at home and in social activities. Most men will find an improvement in their mood, feel more vigorous, and experience improved energy levels, concentration, libido, and sexual performance for an overall sense of well-being. These effects are usually felt within 3 to 6 weeks of beginning treatment. Other potential benefits include improved body composition, muscle mass and muscle strength, as well as improvement in visual-spatial skills.

Of course, any ongoing strategy to reduce the symptoms and risks of andropause should incorporate lifestyle approaches such as optimal diet, regular exercise, stress-management and the reduction of tobacco and alcohol intake. Which we help with.

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Clinical Heavy Metals Detox Protocol

For patients in Australia and NZ we offer the opportunity for residents to be clinically detoxed of heavy metals with more personalised service being provided by a clinical consultant, a doctor and hair mineral analysis testing. People who work in commercial or industrial environments are most commonly affected by toxic metals which accumulate in the body over time. This leads to various health problems and often many that are re-occurring such as lethargy, skin problems or achy joints. The most common industries include farming and mining.

We test for heavy metals plus essential metals needed for endocrine function and treat specific to the individual. Supplementation of generally six months leads to full chelation of metals.

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Reasons to choose us

The difference that separates Performance Health Clinic from every other men’s health service in Australia;

  • Cost effective with pay as you go schemes, six month and yearly plans
  • All lab results are explained in full detail with a soft copy emailed to the client with regular follow ups
  • We offer a more proactive approach than just replacing hormones, we balance nutrients and fix deficiencies
  • *Available to residents in Australia and New Zealand only

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